
Joint ventures – choosing the right structure and whether to incorporate
As a business owner preparing for a joint venture, you and your potential partner will need to decide how best to structure the business arrangement so that it provides the best platform for your mutual objectives. Several factors will influence your choice of legal structure for the deal, including the scope of the project, its likely duration, the level of risk, taxation and funding, as well as your respective negotiating positions. The decision whether or not to incorporate should be made very carefully. Key options The key choice will be whether or not to set up a new limited company…
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Convertible Loan Notes:  The pros and cons when it comes to raising business finance 
In the UK, convertible loan notes have become a popular option for startups and early stage companies looking to raise finance. These are financial instruments that allow investors to lend money to a company in return for the option to convert that loan into equity at a later date.  When an investor buys a convertible loan note, they are, in essence, lending money to the business, but when certain conditions are met, that money can then be converted to equity or shares. Typically, this conversion occurs when the company satisfies certain conditions, such as a new funding round or an…
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What is a Management Buy-In (MBI) and how does it differ from a Management Buyout (MBO)?
It’s not uncommon for a firm’s management or ownership to change during its life as a natural part of the company’s growth and development. Two of the ways this can happen is through a management buy-in (MBI) or a management buyout (MBO). A management buy-in, or MBI, refers to the process in which an external party purchases a significant share or the entire company from its current owners. In many cases, this will mean replacing the existing management team with one of their own. On the other hand, a management buyout is a corporate finance transaction in which the existing…
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How to Sell a Business Quickly
Selling a business, no matter what size, is a big undertaking requiring plenty of consideration and planning. As an owner or partner, you’ll be looking to get the best possible deal and achieving that means having everything in place from a legal point of view. So your first port of call should be with a team of commercial solicitors with a successful track record in business sales and JPP Law offer a free introductory call which can be utilised before you have found a buyer. It’s a worthwhile exercise because we can provide hints and tips on preparing your business…
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Controlling business risk with indemnities and limited liability clauses
Indemnities and limited liability clauses are often the most negotiated provisions in business contracts. It is a fine balance between agreeing appropriate risk and allocating protections, while at the same time remaining reasonable in order to conclude the deal. The two legal provisions have different purposes and sit on opposite sides of the contract. For example, it is easier to think of indemnities being useful for the customer or client in a contract: their prime purpose being protection. On the other hand, limited liability clauses are more useful for the supplier in a contract in order to limit their exposure.…
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High Profile Litigation Success
JPP’s Litigation Lawyer Jodi Tierney is very used to dealing with high value litigation but rarely do the cases spark interest from the national press. However, when the matter involves a renown Mexican artist and missing artwork, a case gains public interest.   Jodi successfully represented Principal Art S.L when a painting on loan was not returned. A summary of the case is as follows.   “In a London court, an art dealer, Esperanza Koren, has been ordered to pay £111,000 for a missing abstract painting by Mexican artist Bosco Sodi. The painting, described by the judge as resembling a…
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Crowdfunding Opportunities for Startups and Scaleups in the UK
Crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular form of funding for entrepreneurs with a good business plan, or early stage companies looking to take their business to the next stage of its development. In the UK, crowdfunding is well established and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). In this article, we will explore the landscape, and look at the pros and cons of using crowdfunding as a financial tool for a business starting out, or growing. What is crowdfunding? Crowdfunding is a way of raising money through the collection of contributions from investors through a crowdfunding platform. Examples include Indiegogo,…
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Preparing your business for sale to an MBO team
If you are planning to sell your business, one option might be a management buyout (MBO) if you think the current management team could be interested in buying you out. Planning well ahead will help to ensure that the MBO team is right for the deal, that your business is presented in the best possible shape so that the buyers and their funders can see value and future potential in the proposed acquisition – and that you will receive your just rewards. By getting your business MBO-ready as early as possible, it is more likely that any deal will succeed,…
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UK Startup Funding Options and the Associated Legal Considerations
One of the most important factors behind the success of every startup and scaleup is adequate funding. Without it, the business won’t be able to move to the next stage of its development. Fortunately, for businesses operating within the United Kingdom, there are plenty of support and UK startup funding options for a businesses with plans to grow. Here, we look at some of those options, as well as the importance of seeking sound legal advice throughout the funding process and the business lifecycle. Government UK Startup Funding Options When looking for business funding, the first place to look should…
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Employee Settlement Agreement Advice: Book Online
Settlement Agreement Advice – The JPP Law Process To arrange a consultation with a qualified and experienced settlement agreement solicitor please complete the steps below. Step 1: Complete the online form below Step 2: We will then request further information namely, a copy of your settlement agreement and two forms of identification. Please note for compliance puropses we NEED this information before we speak with you.  If we don't have ALL the required information, we may need to reschedule your appointment time. Step 3: Once you email the documents, you will immediately receive a link to book an appointment with…
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Mark Glenister

Introductory Call

This meeting is an introductory call with Mark Glenister to discuss any legal advice requirements you may have.

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