
We act for many kinds of businesses, large or small, in any industry; however we do operate in some niche sectors who have very specific needs.
EMI Share Option Scheme Webinar Recording March 2024
Employee Share Option Schemes (ESOS) and Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) schemes This is a recording of the webinar which took place on 28 March 2024. Watch the webinar to gain invaluable insights into Employee Share…
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EMI Eligibility and the EMI Qualifying Conditions
EMI Qualifying Conditions
Enterprise management incentives (EMIs) are a popular way for companies to reward and retain their top-performing employees. These schemes offer tax advantages to both the company and the employee, making them an attractive option for…
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Startup Shareholder Agreement
The Startup Shareholder Agreement
JPP Law understand that startup businesses fear spiraling legal costs which is why we offer a  fixed fee shareholders agreement for startups. Get an expertly drafted shareholders agreement for a reasonable, fixed price. We have…
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amend a shareholders agreement
Investment Agreements
Starting a new business venture and fundraising is an exciting time but approach with caution. It’s important to understand all the risks and to do all you can to ensure you attract the right kind…
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Settlement agreements for employers
EMI Schemes – Free Initial Legal Consultation
An Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) scheme is a share option for employees which is targeted at small trading companies. These schemes offer favourable tax treatments, and they have been the most popular type of share…
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EMI Eligibility and the EMI Qualifying Conditions
Clean Tech and Renewable Energy
The opportunity for innovation in renewable energy and clean technology has never been greater. To take advantage of these opportunities, you need sector specific legal advice and lawyers who understand this rapidly evolving and highly…
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Startup Shareholder Agreement
Whether you are new to trading or a seasoned online seller, your business will be affected by the eCommerce Directive, which came into force in 2002.
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cryptocurrency lawyer
Over recent years, learning from home has seen a huge rise in popularity. Not only are learners able to study flexibly at their own pace in the comfort of their own homes, education providers can…
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Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking technology to an entirely new level. From Apple’s personal assistant Siri to Amazon’s Alexa, AI has become part of our day-to-day lives but with these life changing technologies comes a…
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Internet of Things (IoT)
The internet is no longer just about computers and mobile devices. Today we are all connected to the online world via a vast range of objects, including cars, medical devices, kitchen appliances, smart meters and…
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JPP Law Sectors

Some sectors need a little extra expertise...

share purchase agreement

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