March 2017

What is a Shareholders Agreement

Unfair terms in consumer contracts

Research recently published by the Competition and Markets Authority shows that 54 per cent of businesses surveyed did not fully understand the rules on unfair terms in consumer contracts. This directly impacts on how businesses treat their customers and is particularly important in order to maintain good customer relations, brand integrity and to avoid costly mistakes which may have wide-reaching consequences for your business. Changing goods or services, increasing the price, or charging excessive cancellation fees may all constitute ‘unfair’ terms in a consumer contract.

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What is a Shareholders Agreement

Dyslexic employee wins race and disability discrimination claim

A dyslexic employee has won a disability discrimination claim because her employer failed to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate her condition. Her race discrimination claim which was originally dismissed by the employment tribunal due to lack of evidence is to be reconsidered because they tribunal need ‘to be alive to the possibility of unconscious discrimination as well as overt discrimination.’

Dyslexic employee wins race and disability discrimination claim Read More »

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