Buying a Business

Does a non-disclosure agreement offer any protection?
In today's competitive business landscape, protecting sensitive information is crucial. Companies often rely on non-disclosure agreements ( NDA ) to safeguard their confidential information from being shared with competitors or the public. But do these agreements actually work? In this article, we'll explore the effectiveness of non-disclosure agreements. What is a Non-Disclosure Agreement? A non-disclosure agreement, also known as a confidentiality agreement, is a contract that is intended to ensure that information shared between parties is kept confidential. This information can include trade secrets, financial data, customer lists, and other sensitive information that the discloser has a duty to keep…
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10 Questions to Ask When Buying a Business
There is a lot to consider when buying a business. It can be a complicated process, so you want to be thorough when researching what you’re getting for your money. Here we look at the top ten questions you need to ask to make sure it’s the right decision and to avoid unexpected problems arising once you’re at the helm. Why is the business for sale? This might seem like an obvious question to ask, but one reason the business is for sale could be because it isn’t doing well, or there are issues coming down the line that will…
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Buying a business and contract due diligence
If you have spotted a great business acquisition opportunity and the headline figures look superb, how do you know that you will be getting the value and benefits in the deal that you had hoped for? The key lies in the quality and depth of the due diligence carried out by your advisors, especially in regard to the transferability of the business contracts. It is a sad fact, that some otherwise viable acquisitions have failed to succeed as a result of important contracts not being transferable to the acquiring business. In this article we delve into the various aspects to…
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Legal considerations when buying shares in a business
Acquiring part of a business through the purchase of shares is one way to secure an investment. You may be contemplating a partial investment or an outright purchase of a business, either way the same considerations apply. Careful analysis of the target business is critical as there are a combination of commercial and personal factors which one needs to be aware of when investing via shares. It’s also essential to ensure the correct documentation is completed. Our advice is to research, review and risk assess. If you are in need of legal advice for a Shareholders Agreement book a free…
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Your rights of redress when the business you purchased was overvalued
When the New York Times purchased the free to play word game Wordle for a seven figure sum, eyebrows were raised. How could a new game that has never generated an income be worth so much? The New York Times purchased it as a method of potentially boosting subscription numbers which will increase revenue. No one knows if the strategy will pay off but The New York Times were aware of this and prepared to take the risk! There are numerous ways to value a business and so there is plenty of scope for valuations to differ but sometimes the…
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Buying an asset-based business – what to look out for?
If you are contemplating buying another business, then you will have been suitably impressed with the sale particulars. But these do not tell the whole story and when you decide to acquire the assets of a business you will want to satisfy yourself that you can continue trading and can realise any potential growth plans.
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Buying a business: are you getting shares or asset?
The opportunity to purchase a competing or complimentary business provides an important route to expansion, but it is important to be clear about what exactly you are acquiring in a business - whether this is via shares or assets.
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Buying or selling a business? It pays to agree key terms upfront
Adrenalin may be running high if you are on the verge of buying a business or selling the company you have built from scratch. You may have already sought professional advice regarding the company valuation but there are other critical issues on which advice will also be needed during those early heady days of negotiations.
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Due diligence in business acquisitions
Due diligence is a vital process that you need to go through to check the financial position and viability of a business you are proposing to buy. It is also something that should be done when awarding contracts or agreeing to extend credit facilities.
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